Category: Lampion Conversations

Lampion Conversations: Council of Dispensational Hermaneutics

I went recently to a meeting of the Council of Dispensational Hermeneutics at Baptist Bible Seminary in Clark Summit, Pennsylvania, a small community near Scranton in northeastern Pennsylvania. I attended at the invitation of Dr. Michael Stallard, Academic Dean of the seminary. The focus of the talks was the Israel and the Church. The meeting […]

Lampion Conversations: Louis Markos

Recently I spent the evening in Houston, Texas with Louis Markos, professor of literature at Houston Baptist University. I was well aware of his reputation and writings, and was eager to get to know him. He and his son, a classics major in college, met me at the Olive Garden. What I had assumed would […]

Lampion Conversations: Elliott E. Johnson

In the area of theology, my concentration was in the area of hermeneutics (this served me well also when I was a professor of constitutional law) during my doctoral program at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.  I had the privilege of taking a doctoral course away from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, where I did my Th.D. […]