It was my privilege to be invited to meet with two producers of the recent hit movie “God’s Not Dead” in Studio City, California recently to talk about collaboration between them and Lampion Press. Probably most of those reading this blog are familiar with this movie, and are looking forward to its sequel. Cary Solomon […]
Category: Lampion Conversations
Lampion Conversations: Council of Dispensational Hermaneutics
I went recently to a meeting of the Council of Dispensational Hermeneutics at Baptist Bible Seminary in Clark Summit, Pennsylvania, a small community near Scranton in northeastern Pennsylvania. I attended at the invitation of Dr. Michael Stallard, Academic Dean of the seminary. The focus of the talks was the Israel and the Church. The meeting […]
Lampion Conversations: Wayne Braudrick
Wayne Braudrick is the pastor of the Frisco Bible Church, in Frisco, Texas. My first meeting with him dispelled my expectations of a successful pastor, and graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, where I was taught, whose focus was largely on teaching the Bible and leading a large Dallas area church. Certainly he is all that, […]
Lampion Conversations: Steve Sullivan
Steve Sullivan is a New Testament professor at College of Biblical Studies in Houston, Texas, who has recently finished a Ph.D. at the prestigious University of Wales, Lampeter. His dissertation on Romans 9-11, an excellent analysis of these chapters. Steve will be working with me on the Logos Evangelical Exegetical Commentary series on the book […]
Lampion Conversations: Tim Chaffey
On my recent trip to Baptist Bible Seminary to attend the Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics, I also had the opportunity to meet novelist Tim Chaffey, who has endorsed the new release by R. M. Huffman, entitled Leviathan, book 1 of The Antediluvian Legacy. The Tolkien-like novel has been written by R. M. Huffman, a medical […]
Lampion Conversations: Louis Markos
Recently I spent the evening in Houston, Texas with Louis Markos, professor of literature at Houston Baptist University. I was well aware of his reputation and writings, and was eager to get to know him. He and his son, a classics major in college, met me at the Olive Garden. What I had assumed would […]
Lampion Conversations: Elliott E. Johnson
In the area of theology, my concentration was in the area of hermeneutics (this served me well also when I was a professor of constitutional law) during my doctoral program at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. I had the privilege of taking a doctoral course away from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, where I did my Th.D. […]