Category: Authors

Two Notes

By Wayne Braudrick “Entering the house, they saw the child with Mary His mother, and falling to their knees, they worshiped Him. Then they opened their treasures and presented Him with gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” (Matthew 2:11 HCSB) Two notes arrived at the same time in my inbox today. One was a reminder about the […]

Thoughts on Christmas

By R.M. Huffman It’s almost Christmas! The genealogy of Jesus is of great Biblical significance. His descent from Adam is a fulfillment of God’s promise to the Serpent in Genesis 3, and His lineage from David confirms the truth of prophetic Scripture. Of less theological importance is this: through Noah, the direct ancestor of every […]


By Louis Markos Christ is the myth made fact; he fulfilled the deepest yearnings of the pagans. Louis Markos talks about the 13th chapter of his recently released book “From A to Z in Narnia with CS Lewis”, in which he relates an idea or aspect of CS Lewis’ writing to a unique letter in the alphabet. […]

Thoughts From Vienna

By John D. Gibbon This week I am in Vienna at the Wolfgang Pauli Institute (University of Vienna) speaking at a fluid turbulence meeting. The grand and beautiful Viennese baroque palaces tell the story of a once powerful Empire that ruled over half of Europe before its sudden collapse in 1918. At that time, the Europeans […]


By Louis Markos God is not the Platonic Form of love; He is love in action. Louis Markos talks about the 12th chapter of his recently released book “From A to Z in Narnia with CS Lewis”, in which he relates an idea or aspect of CS Lewis’ writing to a unique letter in the alphabet. […]