By John D. Gibbon The last ten days I have been residing in the big Indian city of Bangalore, home to 15 million people. Its southern area is also home to India’s Silicon Valley (Electronic City). It is also the home of India’s premier scientific institution, the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), as well as the […]
Tag: Lampion Press
Lampion Conversations: Cary Solomon
It was my privilege to be invited to meet with two producers of the recent hit movie “God’s Not Dead” in Studio City, California recently to talk about collaboration between them and Lampion Press. Probably most of those reading this blog are familiar with this movie, and are looking forward to its sequel. Cary Solomon […]
Guard Through The Spirit
By Wayne Braudrick “Guard, through the Holy Spirit who lives in us, that good thing entrusted to you.” 2 Timothy 1:14 (HCSB) How exactly does one fulfill God’s command to us in 2 Timothy 2:14? Counselor Bob Hornstein shares this great insight: “We must surrender to the Spirit’s power to overcome sin and be transformed […]
By Louis Markos It is the beloved son, not the servant, whom the father disciplines. Louis Markos talks about the 16th chapter of his recently released book “From A to Z in Narnia with CS Lewis”, in which he relates an idea or aspect of CS Lewis’ writing to a unique letter in the alphabet. Click ‘play’ […]
By Louis Markos God created us to be adjectives; we insisted on being nouns. Louis Markos talks about the 15th chapter of his recently released book “From A to Z in Narnia with CS Lewis”, in which he relates an idea or aspect of CS Lewis’ writing to a unique letter in the alphabet. Click ‘play’ on […]
Star Wars and the Force
By John D. Gibbon The release of the new Star Wars movie “The Force Awakens”, after its premier in LA on December 14th, has evoked a predictable media frenzy. For years, friends of my own generation — devout Star Wars fans from the beginning — have half-jokingly signed their emails “May the force be with you […]
By Louis Markos Christ’s goal is to transform us into saints, not improve our personality. Louis Markos talks about the 14th chapter of his recently released book “From A to Z in Narnia with CS Lewis”, in which he relates an idea or aspect of CS Lewis’ writing to a unique letter in the alphabet. Click ‘play’ […]
Lampion Conversations: Council of Dispensational Hermaneutics
I went recently to a meeting of the Council of Dispensational Hermeneutics at Baptist Bible Seminary in Clark Summit, Pennsylvania, a small community near Scranton in northeastern Pennsylvania. I attended at the invitation of Dr. Michael Stallard, Academic Dean of the seminary. The focus of the talks was the Israel and the Church. The meeting […]
Two Notes
By Wayne Braudrick “Entering the house, they saw the child with Mary His mother, and falling to their knees, they worshiped Him. Then they opened their treasures and presented Him with gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” (Matthew 2:11 HCSB) Two notes arrived at the same time in my inbox today. One was a reminder about the […]
Thoughts From The Sea
By John D. Gibbon My wife (Sheila) and I are at sea on a Christmas cruise to the Canaries. Long, long ago I spent a year at sea, even serving as an unofficial deckhand for six months – unofficial in the sense I didn’t do a watch. I learned to love this dangerous environment but […]